Carol Singing and Christmas Jumper Day 2016
3rd to 6th Classes performed a medley of Christmas favourites on the week of the holidays in a variety of venues. On Monday 19th they visited the Bank of Ireland, Tuesday 20th they performed in Supervalu and Wednesday the 21st they appeared in Allied Irish Bank, Kenmare.
All proceeds collected are to be donated to Cork Simon Community which works in solidarity with men and women who are homeless in Cork, offering housing and support in their journey back to independent living.
Our carolers also performed for Kenmare Community Hospital and got everyone into the Christmas spirit!
Christmas Jumper Day was held on Thursday, 22nd December when, instead of uniform jumpers, children dressed up in their Christmas finest. We had Snowmen, Santas and Reindeer all day as the school was transformed into a colourful array of Christmas cheer! All money raised will be donated to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin. Thank you for your support!
And finally, on behalf of all the staff and pupils of St. John’s National School, we would like to wish you all a happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year! See you all in 2017!