Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award 2017

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Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award 2017

We are pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Discovery Primary Science and Maths Award of (STEM) Excellence again this year!  To achieve this award, the pupils excelled with their skills and knowledge in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

Throughout the year, our pupils carried out various activities such as hands on investigations in the areas of living things, energy and forces, materials and environmental awareness and care.  We held a Science week in November where each class engaged in Science by questioning, observing, predicting, investigating, experimenting, measuring, analyzing, recording and communicating.  We had Science Workshops in April with Mr. Zee, an Engineer and Scientist where the children investigated scientific concepts and were involved in activities such as designing and making go-carts, making roller coasters and battery powered cars.  We also had a visit from Shonagh Gray of SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) in February who carried out workshops on the importance of energy conservation and we held a Maths Week in October. 

Special thanks to Miss Lynch for coordinating the project and to the teachers for implementing fun and active Science and Maths lessons in their classrooms!  All the hard work paid off!  Well done all!

Below is a picture of some of our children receiving the award.