Parent/Teacher Communication

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Parent/Teacher Communication


Parent / Teacher Communication


Dear Parents / Guardians,

As you know given the unconventional nature of this school year our school’s homework journal has been taken out of use.

The teachers school emails will act as a replacement for the remainder of this school year, to facilitate the communication of simple day to day messages between school & home and vice versa.

Parents / Guardians can now access the email addresses for their child / children’s teacher (s) on the school website.

We would ask that you would also respect the following:

  • Teachers will not be expected to open their work email or reply to messages outside of school hours.
  • The purpose of the email is to communicate with the teacher about routine day to day matters in areas such as homework, equipment, early collection, etc.
  • It may be used to schedule a phone call if a matter arises that would require a conversation between teacher and parent.


Kind Regards

Mr. Barry O’Leary
