13/03/2020 4th Class James Devane

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13/03/2020 4th Class James Devane

4th Class Mr Devane

Mental Maths wk 26 get wk completed

Maths chapters on time completed in Mathemagic and Operation Maths books

Constant revision of tables

English reading Zone unit 22 complete all activities on pages 90/91

Spellings next unit test on Friday

Handwriting 2 pages of workbook completed on a daily basis

History  small world unit15/18 complete all activities

Geography unit 12, unit 15

Gaeilge pages 192,193

Write out poem on page 194 and learn it.

Psage 195 done in copy

In the event the school is closed for a prolonged period

Maths , Mathemageic lookback pages 128,129,130

Lookback pages 170,171,172,173,174

Mental maths completed on a daily basis

Tables constantly revised

English one unit to be completed per week same with the spelling workbook.

Handwriting 2 pages daily.

History a project on the history of Easter

Geography project on Kenmare